Enhanced the affiliate ecosystem by optimizing Feed, Search, and Book APIs,
driving API migrations, improving CI pipelines, and implementing performance
improvements for cost savings.
Software Engineer Intern
March 2024 - June 2024
Collaborated on enhancing Agoda's Affiliate API built
with Scala, bolstering scalability for B2B partners.
Implemented request header-based authentication for the Feed API,
with extensive test coverage, enhancing security by addressing a critical
Software Engineer Intern
May 2023 - February 2024
Showcased proficiency as a full-stack developer, employing
Next.js, Nest.js, and Sequelize.js to contribute to both
frontend and backend components.
Developed and deployed a digests feature using Redis, Bull
Queue, and cron jobs, facilitating daily and weekly
notifications at 9am in users' respective timezones
for timely updates on pending requests, leveraging
PostgreSQL with Sequelize.js for efficient data retrieval.
Designed an internal support app, optimizing data
retrieval and filtering from PostgreSQL database.
Empowered support staff with seamless access to vital
Software Development Engineer Intern
July 2022 - November 2022
Contributed to building a comprehensive social media
management dashboard by creating vital frontend components
with React.js and Next.js.
Developed essential features including the ability to add
labels, notes to feed posts, a notification panel with
Built a server-side rendered SEO - optimized landing page
entirely from scratch, utilizing Next.js. Migrated the
frontend project from React.js to Next.js.
Google Summer of Code (GSoC)
Open Source Contributor
June 2022 - September 2022
Developed a music bot using Python and Selenium and
integrated it into Jitsi Meet.
Enabled chat-based English commands for seamless control,
fostering shared music experiences among meeting
Empowers groups by enabling real-time polling, where admins
create polls, participants join rooms, submit nominations,
vote, and swiftly receive results. This fosters democratic
decision-making, ensuring quick consensus and inclusive
Implemented with NestJS, React, Socket.io, and Redis for
real-time communication, scalable data management, and
type-safe development, ensuring robustness and
Tech stack: TypeScript, NestJS, Redis, Socket.io, React,
Developed a web-based interactive code editor platform which
enables users to write, view, and save real-time code
Implemented a dynamic preview feature, offering users
real-time rendering of their HTML, CSS, and JS code,
promoting instant feedback facilitating debugging and design
Users can login to save and share their work with the
community and can also interact with others’ work, fostering
a collaborative learning environment.
Decentralized app to order food directly from the
restaurants with different interfaces for restaurants and
A smart contract deployed on Polygon Testnet, locks the
money from the customer after an order is placed and
transfers to restaurant's account only after delivery of the
order is confirmed.
Crowdsourcing model to generate a large Question Bank where
volunteers can contribute MCQ Questions and a customized
Question paper with randomized set of Questions can be
Student practice interface, teacher's toolkit. Students can
practice contribute a question or practice from the question
Teachers in addition to the student's features can also
generate highly customized Question papers with random
Questions from the Question bank.
Coursework included a diverse range of core CSE subjects,
including Operating Systems, Object-Oriented Programming,
Database Management Systems, Computer Networks, and Computer